The Capitalist Patriarchy’s Commodification of Beauty: A Tool of Oppression

Written by Christina Rodriguez


Beauty, as defined and propagated by the capitalist patriarchy, is far from a benign aesthetic preference. Instead, it serves as a potent tool for both financial gain and the maintenance of existing power structures. By plastering carefully curated images of beauty across all forms of media, those in power stir up feelings of envy and desire among the masses, fueling a cycle of consumption that lines their pockets while preserving the status quo.


The beauty standards promoted by the capitalist patriarchy are narrow, exclusionary, and often unattainable for the average person. They celebrate youth, thinness, whiteness, and conventional femininity, leaving little room for diversity or individual expression. These standards do not reflect inherent human preferences but rather a calculated strategy to create insecurity and drive consumption of beauty products, cosmetic procedures, fashion trends, and personal appearance.


Moreover, the covetousness and beauty myth inspired by these pervasive images of beauty distracts and divides people, particularly women, from more pressing social and political issues. By keeping individuals preoccupied with their appearance and the pursuit of an elusive beauty ideal, the patriarchy maintains control and stifles dissent. It is a form of oppression that operates on a psychological level, eroding self-esteem and fostering a sense of inadequacy that can hinder personal and collective growth.


Some intellectuals argue that beauty is inconsequential, a frivolous concern unworthy of serious consideration. However, this view fails to recognize the immense cultural and economic power wielded by the beauty industry, as well as the very real impact it has on individuals’ lives. From eating disorders to the gender pay gap, the consequences of our society’s obsession and culture dictate the definition of beauty are far-reaching and cannot be dismissed as trivial.


Furthermore, the idea that beauty is inherently apolitical or disconnected from larger systems of oppression is a dangerous misconception. The capitalist patriarchy’s control over beauty standards is inextricably linked to other forms of marginalization, such as racism, ableism, and heteronormativity. By upholding a singular, Eurocentric ideal of beauty, it reinforces the notion that some bodies and identities are more valuable than others, perpetuating inequality on multiple fronts.


Challenging the capitalist patriarchy’s grip on beauty is not about rejecting aesthetics altogether but rather about expanding our definition of what is considered beautiful and valuable. It means celebrating diversity in all forms, from body types to skin tones to gender expressions. It means recognizing that true beauty comes from within and cannot be bought or sold.


Ultimately, dismantling the capitalist patriarchy’s commodification of beauty requires a multifaceted approach. It involves pushing for more diverse representation in media, supporting inclusive beauty brands, and rejecting the notion that our worth is tied to our appearance. It also means recognizing how beauty standards intersect with other forms of oppression and working towards a more just and equitable society on all fronts.


Beauty may seem frivolous in the face of more pressing concerns, but its impact on our culture and individual lives cannot be overstated. By understanding and challenging the capitalist patriarchy’s use of beauty as a tool of oppression, we can work towards a world where everyone is free to define and express their own unique beauty on their own terms without having to buy a product that determines the beauty of individual women to accept the beauty as a unique way of being instead of how one looks.
